Monday, July 18, 2011


Script Skeleton
Opener: Introduction to the company in charge of NeoTerra. Brings up the possibility of a conflict within the game.
Catalyst: Virus attacks Celes/Mercurious.
Big Event:
Pincher: (Eric’s character) reveals that he has been the one behind the virus.
Crisis: The virus consumes Eric’s character and develops a will of its own.
Showdown: Players come together to combat the virus.
Realization: Misha comes to realize that humanity is not as untrustworthy as she first assumed. Reality becomes acceptable.

Protagonist: Misha/L0ki (Kayli Winger)
Goal: Destroy the virus
Need: Regain trust in humanity

Antagonist: Eric (Chris Knowles)
Goal: Monetary gain through exploitation of players.

Antagonist: Corporate Power/Zepher The Lord of PK (Kazimir Jones)
Goal: To ensure the path of the virus is successful.
Need: Collect all private data from victims.

Secondary Antagonist: Corporate Power 2/Raine (Jon Lugo)
Goal: Zepher's right hand man, has no motives of his own other than to serve and leech off Zepher.
Need: To protect Zepher

Secondary Protagonist: Seda/A.I. (Will Thompson)
Goal: Destroy the virus
Need: Destroy the virus (programmed instinct)

Trickster: R0de (Chris Knowles)
Goal: Distract the protagonists from their goal
Need: Clear his conscious of guilt.

Lesser Character: Celes/Mercurious ()

Lesser Character: Seth (Will Thompson)
Goal1: Discover and destroy the anomaly that causes the virus
Goal2: (occurs after ‘death’ of Celes) get revenge against the company.