Wednesday, August 17, 2011

scene in ep3

Misha and Celes sitting at a table together eating lunch in the cafeteria. Celes has a lunch box and Misha has a brown paper bag.

Celes, I’m telling you, it’s the greatest game ever.

And I’m telling you, Misha, I’m nooottt interesteddd.

Misha pouts and tries giving Celes puppy dog eyes. Celes sighs and shakes her head.
A group of three girls approach the table. One of them puts a hand on Celes’s shoulder. She turns to look at her, and they smile at each other.

Hey, Celes! Are you ready for that chem test later? I seriously didn’t even study, hehe.

Yeah, I think I’ll do okay. I’ve been going over the chapter a lot.

You mean you actually understand it? You should help us, we’re totally lost.

Girl3 glances at Misha. Their eyes meet, but Misha quickly looks away. Girl3 glares slightly, annoyed at her presence.

Uh…sure. Here, sit down, I can go over my notes with you.

Celes reaches into her bag and pulls out a notebook.
Girl 1 and 2 look at Misha, and then at each other.

That’s okay, we have to go do some things right now. We’ll talk to you in class.

The girls all smile at Celes and walk away. Girl2 hesitates a second, then turns around.

Can I see your notes, though? I’ll give it back to you before the test.


Celes looks at her notebook like she doesn’t want to give it away, but then forces a smile and hands it to her.

Thanks a bunch!

She runs off to catch up with the rest of the group.
Celes watches them walk off, then sighs and turns her attention back to her lunch.
Misha looks at Celes, concerned.

You could have gone with them, you know.

What are you talking about?

They only left because I’m here. They want to spend time with you, and you want to be friends with them. You should go after them.

Misha, that’s ridiculous. They left because they have other things to take care of or whatever. If they wanted to talk to me, they would have staid.

Misha opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it upon thought. She looks at Celes for a moment, then takes a bite out of her sandwich.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Script Skeleton
Opener: Introduction to the company in charge of NeoTerra. Brings up the possibility of a conflict within the game.
Catalyst: Virus attacks Celes/Mercurious.
Big Event:
Pincher: (Eric’s character) reveals that he has been the one behind the virus.
Crisis: The virus consumes Eric’s character and develops a will of its own.
Showdown: Players come together to combat the virus.
Realization: Misha comes to realize that humanity is not as untrustworthy as she first assumed. Reality becomes acceptable.

Protagonist: Misha/L0ki (Kayli Winger)
Goal: Destroy the virus
Need: Regain trust in humanity

Antagonist: Eric (Chris Knowles)
Goal: Monetary gain through exploitation of players.

Antagonist: Corporate Power/Zepher The Lord of PK (Kazimir Jones)
Goal: To ensure the path of the virus is successful.
Need: Collect all private data from victims.

Secondary Antagonist: Corporate Power 2/Raine (Jon Lugo)
Goal: Zepher's right hand man, has no motives of his own other than to serve and leech off Zepher.
Need: To protect Zepher

Secondary Protagonist: Seda/A.I. (Will Thompson)
Goal: Destroy the virus
Need: Destroy the virus (programmed instinct)

Trickster: R0de (Chris Knowles)
Goal: Distract the protagonists from their goal
Need: Clear his conscious of guilt.

Lesser Character: Celes/Mercurious ()

Lesser Character: Seth (Will Thompson)
Goal1: Discover and destroy the anomaly that causes the virus
Goal2: (occurs after ‘death’ of Celes) get revenge against the company.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Possible Locations

Ardmore Park

Kelsey Creek Park

Cherry Crest Park

Bellevue Square park

Mountain trails

Marry moore Park

Gold bar

Denny Creek

Bovee park


Guild Conflict:
 L0ki is an amazing PK character. People follow her in order to try and learn and become a stronger PKer like her. After a while, the group becomes large, and ends up forming a guild, where people share their techniques, and band together to PK others. L0ki becomes the leader of the guild, but is the de facto leader of the PK guild.  ____ is the 2nd leader and strives to become better than her.

L0ki leaves the PK guild after the first virus encounter that causes Maria to go comatose. 

Character is a GM of Neo Terra. 


Company Name:

 Kayli: Misha, L0ki,

Chris: Eric, ____

William: Seda

Lakota: Coma boy, Virus lvl 1

Tera: Celes, Mervurious


Jon Lugo: Boss / PK guild lacky

Mike: employee 1

Kristina: employee 2

Kaz: employee 3 / PK guild leader

William: Game Developer

Chris: Replacement Developer

PK guild name:



Tera :


Chapter 1
Scene 1: Corporate Crisis
OPEN: Camera pans down from the sky looking up at building with sign to lower right corner "CC Corporation" (or what ever name we choose)
Next scene opens to the camera angling down to Seth causing him to seem insignificant. After acknowledging his position cut to corporate power with a power angle upward. Kaz's character in the middle, and the other two on either side. The man in the middle will mostly be staring at the camera with his hands folded together.

CP1 Kaz: "So... Mr. Augustine.. Do you know why I called you here today?"

Seth: "Umm.. I'm guessing the team's delay on the revision?"

CP1: "That's correct... Do you feel.. That it's necessary for us to have this meeting?"

Seth: "Uhh.. I guess it's-"

Corporate Power: "On August 15th, 2011, we created a world beyond our own for players all over the globe to experience. It was a new way to communicate with virtually anyone with something as simple as an internet connection. Four years have passed and we've come this far. Neo Terra Has expanded from its small world to endless boundaries and in this short amount time our company has grown 10 fold because of it's popularity. Without the outstanding work of employees like yourself..."

Cut to Seth once more with the same downward shot.

"We could not have reached our current state of being. For that we are truly grateful. However Mr. Augustine... It has come to my attention that in your recent tests for the next revision you found some... side effects?... Is that correct?"

Cut to Seth once more.
Seth:   "I-... Y-Yes sir... However-" (Is cut off by the man in the center)
Corporate Power: "And from what you know, these... effects…can be harmful to the player physically?"
Seth: "Well, in our current tests we've found that some players experience severe headaches or eye sight problems.... An-"
Corporate Power: "You realize anyone has a tendency to have those side effects when playing video games. There is no reason delay a multi million dollar update for something so trivial.

Seth: -Seth tries to adjust his posture while trying to become more prominent- "Well.... how do you explain the incident with Sam Soanso?" -Lays out an open manila folder with a young boy aged around 15. A black sensor bar blocked his eyes.- "An alpha tester to the N.T. revision, 15 years old. He was rushed to the hospital a week ago... He's in a coma now-" -He was cut off by another man in the table-
Corporate Power 2:  "We know of the boy... We have contacted their parents and gave them our deepest apologies for their situation and hope for the best. This boy of course is a special case and is NO way connected to us. There is no reason to believe that the same thing can happen to any other player."
Seth: "But how can you be so sure-" -Camera pans close to Seth's hand as he nervously fiddles with his fingers as if something was there, like a coin or ring-
Corporate Power: "That is enough Mr. Augustine. We expect the revision to be uploaded by Monday 8:00 AM sharp. We cannot afford any set backs. If we hear anything other than good news from you, don't expect anything good from us." (camera sets on Seth as he sits still, silent and defeated.)

Scene 1.5: An Interlude Introduction.

Camera transitions to people normally walking around a mall looking happy while shopping.

"This is our world. People are all boring... Everyone is the same. They all wake up every morning.... Go to work... Come home... Go to sleep... And start over again.... It's a rinse and repeat society..  I've come to the conclusion that this way of life is meaningless and outdated.With the constantly growing age of technology, there's a new way to live your life... A new way to view life... A new way to.. Survive... This is where I find my happiness. Beneath the crowded layer of depressing cliches that is this world, I've found where I belong. Neo Terra is a world free of anxiety and ignorance."

Camera transitions to different people at their computer playing the game looking happy.

"Once connected to your computer, your Virtual reality glasses and headphones are your gateway. Light waves within the glasses send signals to your brain that make you feel whatever your character may be feeling. Your mind connects through a massive group of servers so that you can share your experiences with others. The graphics are nearly true to life. This technology was created four years ago by a group of geniuses straight out of the most prestigious schools who believed that the world needs an escape mechanism. Originally it was created for the handicap, ill and elderly who were bed ridden so that they could escape the confines of their prison. They understood how I felt. The loneliness and discontent I felt for this place. Finally... A place to call home..."


Scene 2: Celebration

A few days have passed and Seth has worked tirelessly to search for anything that could cause any harm to players. He fails to find anything. Camera follows Seth parallel along a line of cubicles. Back at the office he walks by at a slightly rushed pace holding papers and a (Camera pans close to USB for one moment) USB drive dangling as he walked. Seth walks parallel to many cubicles towards one in particular. The name tag reads Eric S. Seth walks in, rushed about to drop papers. Camera transitions to Eric's reaction looking up at Seth from his chair. 

Seth: -Struggles to hold on- "Grab it, grab it!"

Camera focus is on Eric then refocuses on USB as he grabs a hold of it.

Eric: "You finally done with that part? Damn, took you long enough..."

Camera transitions to show both Seth and Eric's conversation.

Seth: "Sorry.. I was just triple checking everything. The boss was very clear this time around."

-Seth Makes a hand motion with right arm almost allowing the items from his hold to fall. He quickly readjusts himself-

Eric: -Rolls his eyes and swivels his chair towards his computer continuing work- "I know, I know...Well, I can get this bad boy uploaded to our servers in no time."

Camera follows Seth yet again down the cubicles.
Camera switches to show what's behind Seth. As he continues to walk away, Eric peeks his head out to say one last thing. Camera changes focus to Eric.

Eric: "Oh hey, you free tonight? Few other guys and myself are goin' out to the bar to celebrate."

Camera POV changes to behind Eric.

Seth: "Huh? Oh...uhh no I don't think I can make it tonight..."

POV Change

Eric: "You suuure man?.. Stacie's gonna be there" -He winks with a big smile.-

POV Change

Seth laughs then continues to his destination with a "Nah thanks man, maybe next time."

Camera focus on Seth's cubicle.

As Seth walks to his desk, 2 business men walk up behind him. "Seth ____?"

Seth: -Confused not knowing where to look- "Yes?"

Business men: "The man at the top has instructed us to give you this."

It read 'Separation Notice'

Scene 3: Searching

Pan from behind the computer monitor. The lights are off except for the light from the screen illuminating Seth's face. He's staring intensely as if he was waiting for something. He has headphones on with faint techno playing. A bag of potato chips is on the left side of the keyboard opened and half full. The camera pans to Seth's hands as he plays with a wedding ring. He sifts it through his fingers. He's still concentrating on the screen.

Seth: -Tired but motivated- "Nothing yet... That's a good sign..."

Soon after staring at the screen enough he remembers a part of the code he didn't check. Not having access to the code anymore he gives Eric a call hastily.

Eric: Hello?

Seth: "Eric!"

Eric: -Has feet on his desk and answers nonchalantly- "Yea? Seth, what's up? I heard you were let go today? What's up with that?"

Seth: -Stares at an admin log in page- "Don't worry about that right now... I need you to check something for me. There's a section of the code I wasn't able to check. Think you can look at that for me? Try and see if you can't find anything out of the ordinary."

Eric: "Dude, are you serious? Everything's working fine and I've checked everything myself as well... There's nothing abnormal."

S: " You sure? Could you check one more time for me? Please, just take a look."

E: -Takes his legs off the table and acts more concentrated- "Damn, dude, don't worry about us. You don't even work here anym-.. Sorry man you know what? Let's just go get a drink or something..."

S: "Ahh...Never mind, Eric… Thanks anyway. I'll talk to you later."

Seth hangs up and sets the phone down on the desk with a concerned look. He then looked up at the screen with an idea. Eric is left staring at his phone feeling bad for saying something wrong. After a moment he sets the phone back down on the table and picks up the controller that was laying on his lap, puts his legs back up on the desk and continues to play a video game on his monitor. 

Scene 4: School
Camera shows Misha in a school hallway, surrounded by people.
(Misha): "Life. Does anyone actually enjoy the real thing? We’re all simply existing; flowing along with this tide of blank faces. And even if we’re surrounded, standing shoulder to shoulder, aren’t we just as alone as if there were no one around at all?
The people around her fade away.
How do we stand it?"

Scene 5: Birthday

Misha is shown sitting alone on a curb near Celes' house, far enough to not be seen.
Misha at Celes’ house. The decorations  makes it apparent that there was a birthday party.

Celes: Misha! I thought you weren’t coming…

Misha: Of course I came! How could I miss your birthday?

Celes: But you missed the party…

Misha laughs nervously: Sorry…You know how I get around lots of people. Besides, I kind of lost track of time while playing Neo Terra. Speaking of! You've got to try this game!

Celes: Misha, I already told you, I’m really just not interested in video games.

Misha: But this isn’t just a video game. It’s like…it’s like…well, you just have to try it to understand. (She hands a wrapped present to her.) Pleeease! I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Celes thinks a bit and sighs with a smile: Fine…(She opens the presents.) I’ll try it. Thanks (She has a bit of a forced smile.) How do I get started? (She sits down at the computer.)

Misha smiles and sits down next to her.

Scene 6: Going In

Misha sits at her own computer and logs in.

Misha: (on Skype with Celes) Okay. You’ve got your character ready to go, right?

Celes: Yeah…I think so. I’m on the OS thingy now. Is this right?

Misha: (smiles): Yeah. Just go to the button that says Start Game. When it loads, don’t be alarmed. You’ll feel kind of funny. But it won’t hurt.

She leans forward and (logs in). Her eyes close and she slouches over. A character phases onto her computer screen. Celes hesitantly hits enter on her keyboard, and she slouches as she enters the game.

Scene 7: First Encounter
In game at Ardmore Park
Mercurious looking around and then at herself: Hey, I have to admit this is pretty cool.

L0ki grins wide: See! Just wait until there’s an (ominous voice) encounter.

Mercurious twists her face into a confused look: …Encounter?

L0ki’s eyes open wider and she smiles, grabbing Mercurious’ shoulder and crouching behind a tree, pointing into the open: (whisper) Like that.

A single player is wandering through the forest. He looks a bit bedazzled at the scene, probably a noob. He is dressed lightly and carrying a knife, probably a thief class.

L0ki whispers ‘Stay here. Wait for the signal’ to Mercurious and slowly sneaks closer, unlatching her holster and putting her hand lightly on the gun’s handle.

Player steps on a twig which cracks. He looks down at the twig, and then back up.

L0ki is now standing in front of Player, gun aimed at his chest. She smiles: Hello.

Player stands frozen for a second, then fumbles to ready his knife.

L0ki smiles and lowers her gun: Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill you. She winks.

Player looks relieved. As he lowers his knife, Mercurious hits Player over the head with a stick, he falls to the ground.

L0ki: But my friend here, she needs the points.

Mercurious: Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I did that! Her smile turns into concern. Is he okay?

L0ki: Don’t worry. We don’t really feel pain inside the game. It just feels like a little pinch.

Player fades away.

L0ki: After a player dies, they respawn in the main area after three minutes.

Mercurious has a confused look on her face. She then punches L0ki in the arm.

L0ki: What was that for?

Mercurious: I just wanted to test it. That didn’t hurt?

L0ki: Nope.

Mercurious punches her harder: What about that?

L0ki: OW!!... Just kidding... Now stop it! She glances at the stick Mercurious used to hit Player. …Why did you use a stick?

Mercurious: …I panicked. I forgot I had a sword.

L0ki and Mercurious both laugh. They continued down the path before them and casually talked.

L0ki: You know.. I don't think I've ever seen your dad... Every time I come over he's always at work or something.

Mercurious: Yea... He's always at work... He's always trying to work overtime to keep himself busy cause... You know...

She looks down a little depressed. L0ki looks at her concerned then looks down at the ground in front of them and notices static.

L0ki: That was weird... aw well Just a glitch.

 A tree appears staticy for a brief moment as they walk away. A dark figure (virus) is shown watching them.

L0ki and Mercurious arrive at the bottom of the river.

L0ki: Okay. You’ve experienced an encounter, which you handled very well I might add. Well now you get to open your fiiirst…treasure chest!

Mercurious makes a strange face: Treasure chest? Like pirates?

L0ki laughs: Well…I guess it’s kind of like that. Go ahead and open it. She points to the area in which the chest is hidden.

Mercurious approaches the area and looks around. Oh! She finds the chest hidden in plain sight and opens it.

L0ki: It opened? She walks over to Mercurious and the chest. Usually you have to defeat a chest guardian before it will open. Well, what’s inside?

Mercurious takes out the contents of the chest. It’s a hat. She puts it on.

L0ki: That must be a new item. I’ve never seen one like it before.

Static fills the air for a moment. The hat starts to emanate virus particles. A distorted yell fills the air as the dark figure from before fazes into existence before them.

L0ki: Mercurious, look out! She pulls out her gun and shoots it directly in the head.

The Virus blinks and statics, then charges L0ki. L0ki rolls out of the way and shoots again.

The Virus isn’t phased. He swings to hit her on the ground, but L0ki rolls again and stands up. Virus’s fist hits the ground.

L0ki runs over to Mercurious: Let’s get out of here!

Mercurious: What is that?!

L0ki: I don’t know! But my bullets don’t hurt it! It doesn’t even have a health gauge! She grabs Mercurious by the arm and starts to run.

Mercurious trips and falls. The virus appears before the both of them and holds out it's arm. It begins to glow then a light stream goes through Mercurious. L0ki falls backward a little from the light beam.

L0ki: Mercurious! Celes!!

Mercurious phases out, seemingly  absorbed by the Virus.

L0ki: Celes!

The Virus seems to grow stronger, and starts to charge after L0ki.

L0ki runs full speed through the forest, darting through trees. She hides behind one and pulls up the options menu in front of her. Hurry, hurry, hurry! She clicks ‘log out’ but the icon is grayed out until she gets far enough where it goes back to normal. The static stops and she logs out successfully. 

Scene 8: Awaken
Real life: Misha’s house
Misha wakes up in her room, her computer screen simply shows the NeoTerra OS. She brings up skype on her laptop, which she had been using before to talk with Celes before logging on.

Misha: Celes? Are you there?

Celes does not answer the call.

Scene 9: Alone
Seth wakes up from a long nights work at home. He stayed up later than usual because of his monitoring of the boards to see whether or not the new revision had any negative effects on players. There was nothing. He looks over to the digital clock next to his bed. It read 12:43PM

Seth: "Urrrggg... it's almost one?! Damn..."

He carried out his morning routine by making coffee then putting some toast in a toaster, his hair still a bit messy. He yawns, then looks over at Celes’ door which had been opened slightly.

S: "Huh… She never leaves her door open... "

He walks over, scuffing his feet lazily to her door then opens it slightly. He sees her sleeping on the desk with the computer still on. Her VR glasses are still on.

S: "Celes? What are you doin' home? Don't you have class?"

He walks over and nudges her a little, then becomes worried.

S: "Ce-... Honey?... "

Scene 10: Karma

Seth is in a hospital waiting room, on the phone with corporate.

S: "I knew this would happen, I knew it! This is all your fault, dammit, and I'll take every penny of damn Tera Corp in court!.... No you listen to me! She had never had any pre-existing condit-.. No I don't care if I'm in debt for the rest of my life, I'll get the best damn lawyer on entire planet if I have to.... What?... Are you seriously implying that this is my fau-... Ohh hoho... I have all the proof I need... Oh really?... I'll take you down.... You think I don't know how?"

He turns the phone off. Camera pans from right to left facing the side of his face then pans away facing straight on. He's sitting in a chair alone with strangers peering over every now and then. He keeps a straight face with a finger closed to his mouth while thinking. He takes his revenge to a new level. He now has the idea and motive to create some sort of program to take down the company. He has an idea to grab the company by the virtual balls in order for them to take responsibility for what they have done to his daughter and the other young boy.

Scene 11: The Plan

He calls back Eric telling him what had happened.. From here on out we see Seth super motivated to create this "program" of his. Eric informs him he will take a look in the code one more time out of sympathy. Seth takes out the coffee and Redbull's and works day and night.

Pan over from Seth to Eric who is working in his cubicle searching for any strings of code that don't belong. He notices a file in the program that cannot be opened with any software.

E: "Aww what the hell... might as well look....What the hell? Why can't I open this little bastard... Open..... Open......Op-...en?... "

He takes a sip of soda then opens the file in DOS.

E: "There we go!... gotcha, little bugger..... "

He looks at the code confused... All that he sees is random strings of numbers and letters. He studies this for hours after dark and after everyone has left. After constantly looking at the code and writing most of it down. He notices things are constantly being added to it.

E: "It looks like things are always being added... What is this even for? These numbers... '09/12/20XX/04440229480738/092/09/XX' The numbers go on... hmm..."

He takes a breather and reads a news website. A picture of the 15 year old who had gone in a coma popped up. Seth had told him about the kid and the "cover up" the company had played. He saw that the article had mentioned that it was his birthday 09-12-20XX and that he would be 16 today.

E: "Waaaaait...... 09... 12... 20XX... That string was in the code, too... huh. I wonder..."

He looked back in the code and looked at the numbers that were matched to the boy's birthday. He looked at the others and thought of what those could be theoretically. Eric went to the user database to see the 15 year old's account info. The only info relating to numbers were the last four digits to the credit card connected to the account. He noticed that the last four were 0738, which matched part of the code.He smiled at a stupid idea and took his wallet out and read out the numbers on his bank card. He counted the numbers on his card then in the code. The amount of numbers matched.

E: "HUH..... I wonder…So if the long string would be a bank number the others would be.... CID number? And.. expiration?... Haha."

E: "What in the...... You kidding me?... So this is like a database for all credit card info?.... What are these other number then...."

He read off the rest of the numbers that were organized with a /. He connected them to a social security number by recognizing the amount of digits. After the SS number he saw 5 other combinations like the first. Every active credit card of this user that ever existed.

E: "How the... There's no way this company is tracking this.."

He kept searching through the code to what seemed like more numbers that matched the amount of the first string. He typed up the last four that would be the bank card number in the database. It matched to a Seth ___. Eric's body froze remembering that his daughter was sent to the hospital. 

Eric picked up the phone and started dialing Seth's number quickly then stopped at the CALL button. then turned the phone off and set it down. 

E: "What're these other numbers that are constantly being added to it?"

Eric reads through what is being added. They are locations in the game. Server numbers and locations. 

E: "Wait I recognize this type of code.. These are locations.... Of what?....."

Eric's phone rings. Camera focuses from phone to Eric grabbing it. he notices it's Seth.

E: "Hey Seth what's up?"

S: "Hey have you found anything relating to.... You know.."

Eric hesitates a little, not knowing exactly what it is and not wanting to give away the fact that it's collecting precious data that's worth potentially millions.

E: "Umm....w-well I have been able to locate some odd code... I believe it's viral in nature but uhh... I can't trace it or find out what it's purpose is. I'm no expert in the matter but I believe it's using a Type R Worm... "

S: "Type R worm?... Wouldn't that mean.."

E: "Yea.. Now that I think about it.. Someone within our company... I guess that makes sense though seeing as how the virus is effecting only the game rather than the internet...."

S: "Yea... Thanks Eric.. Knowing that will really help me actually..."

E: "Oh yea? Planning on contacting the board?"

S: "No, I'm making an A.I. character for Neo Terra with the right intelligence to counter the virus.. Can't talk much, gotta get crackin, Thanks again man."

Eric keeps the phone held up to his ear, never showing his face. He grips the phone. He helped Seth destroy what could land him endless credit card numbers. 

Scene 12: Bullied
Misha in the hallway with the people fading away. She stops walking and looks around. The people quickly appear back into view as someone crashes into her, knocking her books out of her hands.

Guy: Oops! (He looks over and laughs, then walks away.)

Misha in unfazed as she bends over to gather her books and pick them up.

Narration (Misha): Things like this have been happening since I started High School. But after my only friend was sent to the hospital, it seems I’ve become an easier target.

Later, Misha walking home from school.
Narration (Misha): I haven’t touched the game since the incident. I don’t know what attacked us that day, and I’m not sure I want to find out. It’s my fault Celes is in a coma. If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t have been in the game and gotten attacked by that..thing. How could I let myself play again? (She looks around at what’s around her). But this world…I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m…homesick.

Scene 13: Re-entrance
Misha is sitting in front of her computer, the NeoTerra OS open. She’s leaning on the table, staring at the screen. Her mouse hovers over the “Start Game” icon. Her face is scrunched, trying to figure out what to do.
Misha: The concept of reality is a painfully fragile thing. What makes this world any more real than the world of NeoTerra? It’s not just like some simple video game. It’s my reality…

She finally hits enter and goes into the game.

Scene 14: Return
L0ki appears in a forest, down on one knee. She picks up a handful of dirt and lets it fall through her fingers, taking in a big breath of air and letting it out slowly. She stands up and stretches, then pulls out her gun and takes aim, looking around to view the scenery. She puts her gun away and grins.

L0ki: I’m home.

Chatter is heard in the distance. L0ki startles and crouches to run behind a tree. She doesn’t get away fast enough and the approaching party catches sight of her.

PK1: Oh man.

PK2: It couldn’t be..!

The two PKs run to greet L0ki. L0ki jumps back and draws her gun, aiming at PK1. PK1 puts their hands up in a nonthreatening manner.

PK1: Woah, woah. Chill out, girl. We just haven’t seen you around in a while, where've you been?

PK2 bows with a grin: It’s an honor to meet the queen of the PK Guild.

L0ki: …Oh. Uhm…Hello.

L0ki puts away her gun and bows her head slightly, a little apprehensive.

PK1: You disappeared two months ago without any warning.

PK2: No one knew what happened to you. (Kaz) took over the guild during your absence. Needless to say he's done well.

L0ki looks concerned: (Kaz) did…?

PK1: Yes. And to be honest—

PK1 jumps behind L0ki, grabbing her arms. PK2 hesitantly draws a sword with an apologetic look on her face.

PK1: He’s doing a much better job than you ever did!

PK2 raises her sword above her head, ready to strike. L0ki stomps on PK1’s foot and quickly moves behind PK2, grabbing her sword-holding wrist and forcing it backwards until she drops the sword. Upon hitting the ground, the sword disappears. L0ki then strikes PK2 in the back so that she falls forward, onto her hands and knees.

L0ki: What are you guys doing?!

PK1 draws a knife and jumps forward, taking a swing at L0ki. She jumps back and pulls out her gun, shooting PK1 in the leg. PK1’s health bar drops. PK2 gets up and tries to run away. L0ki leaps over and gets in front of her. As PK1 comes at her again, she shoots him in the chest. His health bar empties and he drops to the ground and slowly fades away. L0ki turns her attention back to PK2.

L0ki: What’s going on here?

PK2’s voice is shaky: It’s…well…

L0ki: It’s what?!

PK2 flinches: It’s (Kaz). He…well, he put a bounty out for a kill on you!

L0ki: A bounty?

PK2: Yeah…He said that you abandoned us. He said that no one leaves the guild. Once you’re in it, you’re in it for life. And then you left…

L0ki: I’m not allowed to leave my own guild? The guild that I created personally? No one has the right to make up new rules without my consent.

PK2: But you left! You weren’t around to say otherwise, so (Kaz) took complete control!

L0ki clenches her fists in anger, glaring at PK2. She then lets out a small laugh.

L0ki: And you two were going to do what? Kill me? So what, I’ll lose a little gold, a few experience points, and then I’ll respawn in another area. That’s the big plan for revenge?

PK2 looks like she’s about to speak, but no words come out. She holds a finger out as if to make a point, but realizes the flaw in her own logic. Embarrassment floods her face.

L0ki: Look, I know you’re just following orders or whatever, but I really don’t have time for this. I’m gonna do you a favor and not kill you right now, but you have to promise to leave me alone. I have bigger business here than playing with the guild. 

PK2 timidly nods and jogs out of the shot.

L0ki puts her hand on her forehead and sighs, then shakes her head and walks off. 

Scene 15 Artificial Intelligence Pt.1
Scene opens with Eric's character porting into a field. He opens up the NT.OS in game and slides to the file he has been tracking.

E: "It should be... here...."

Eric closed the OS and peered around the area as if waiting for someone. Suddenly the area began to static out of shape. He looks around cautiously.

E: "Here we go... I was right..."

The virus appears 10 feet in front of Eric. Standing still and fascinated he approaches it slowly meaning to confront it.

E: "You.. you're... That boy... Or his character data anyway... This A.I. Has been causing all the havoc hasn't it... Huh.... "

He opens up his OS again and attempts to log out but it errors. He smiles then opens up a special debug logout and leaves the area. Camera angles back to his home office as he takes his VR gear off. He looks back at the code and the ever changing coordinates. More numbers related to credit cards appear. He grins.

E: "The developer log out key works... That's curious.... Well isn't this fun... Good thing I'm an expert in A.I. Thanks to Seth and his help I know JUST how to play around with this... "

Scene 16 Artificial Intelligence Pt.2
Scene change to Seth working tirelessly to create his A.I. He takes a sip of his high caffeinated soda and types away.

S: "Hmm... I've got most of the code down for a decent A.I.... Just need a character... I guess I could use the default skins for now."

Seth creates his character and shuts down his window in the OS so you can see his desktop setup. His phone rings, Eric is calling.

S: "Hey man hows that decoding goin'?"

E: "Oh.. That.. Well I actually got a lot of professionals on the case now, they're waaay more well equipped than me for something like this. It'll cause a company wide investigation for sure. And since you were let go they might give you a call.."

S: "Seriously?... hmm I bet I can rid them of this virus before they can even touch it... Revenge for hurting my daughter you could say."

E: "Dude, trust me don't worry about what ever you were trying to do with that A.I. or what ever. They've got this. Just get ready to answer some calls."

S: "I'll answer what ever they have to say, This is personal now.. I'm going to stop that damn virus.. Are you in to help me?"

Eric lets out a sigh

E: "Yea... I'll help.............."

S: "Great! thanks man anything helps... We'll stop this thing..."

E: "You know it man... Umm... I have something important to show you... There was some data left over from the location your daughter was when she experienced the virus' anomaly."

S: "Oh really? What was it?"

E: "It's something I just have to show you... Just meet there tonight at around 9... I'll text you the coordinates.. Don't tell anyone got it?"

S: "Awesome.. yes thank you! You're a savior Eric!"

Eric hung up the phone without saying a word. Seth is shown with the wedding ring being held then grasps it tightly.

Scene 17: New Beginning

Camera starts off with scenery and music. Seth logs in looking towards the sky clenching his fist. It has been a while since he's logged on to his main account. He sighs in relief in wait for Eric to appear. Camera cuts over to his work on the A.I. 

CUT 1: Use of green screen/ Pan upward of A.I character's leg

Return to in game. Seth walks forward deeper into the path laid out for him.

CUT 2: Use of green screen/ Pan upward of A.I character's arm

Return to in game. As Seth walks through the path it begins to break and static. He doesn't notice.

CUT 3: Use of green screen/ Pan upward of A.I weapon appearing

Return to in game. Seth comes to an open area. The virus stands before him in form of his daughter. Mostly in static.

Seth: "Celes... I-.. Is that you?.... It can't be..."

Seth walks towards the virus not knowing it's dangers. The virus moves forward as well and begins to hold out it's hand almost asking for Seth to take it. Their hands come closer together, just before they touch Seth stops his hand from going any further. He gives in to his hesitation and grasps hers with a smile. A light of energy consumes him and begins to decode his character slowly making him into nothing. He doesn't stop smiling as he is consumed by the virus. 

Next scene the camera pans left of Seth's desk with him unconscious still wearing his VR glasses. He still has a peaceful expression. The lights on the VR wear still glowing with a light flicker. His hand dragging his body slightly down to the right with the ring gently laying in his hand. It's shown falling to the ground in slow motion. The camera changes to a rear view of Seth unconscious facing the computer, a program has finished loading and makes a boot sound. An error message appears on screen saying "Initiate A.I. boot up?" With a time limit of 10 seconds counting down. As it hits 0 another error message appears saying "The program has successfully launched." Scene ends.

Scene 18: Hunted
L0ki is shown chasing down a Player. She lurks behind trees, constantly closing the distance as the player gets farther away. The player looks distressed, knowing they’re being hunted. Their health gauge is ¾ empty. L0ki casts a spell and a target appears on the player’s forehead. A laser-sight is shown between the player and L0ki’s gun. L0ki steps into the open and the player freezes in fear.

L0ki: Bye.

L0ki fires, giving an abnormally large kickback. The shot connects in the exact middle of the player’s forehead. They are defeated and faze out.
L0ki puts her gun away and stretches out her shoulders.

L0ki: When will they give up…

Something catches L0ki’s eye and she quickly darts behind a tree to hide from whatever it may be.
Seda is shown wandering through the area. He has a glazed over look, dragging his feet and seeming to almost trip with every step.

L0ki: Another one…?

She lets out a long, frustrated sigh. She approaches him, taking a wide stance and putting her hands in the air, palms stretched out.

L0ki: Here I am! Try to kill me, I dare you!

Seda looks in her direction, emotionless.
L0ki: Come on!

Seda makes eye contact with her. A confused expression appears on his face.

L0ki: That’s what you’re here for, isn’t it? Does the guild really have nothing better to do? Well, I’m here. Either come at me, or get the hell away from me.

Seda looks a bit concerned. Without a word, he turns away from her and continues wandering on.
L0ki is baffled. After realizing he wasn’t after her, she blushes with embarrassment. She then runs after him.

L0ki: W-wait! I’m sorry…

Seda continues walking, unresponsive.

L0ki: I didn’t mean to accuse you like that…I just thought you might be part of the guild…

Seda stops dead in his tracks, then looks up at the sky. L0ki nearly runs into him. Her eyes follow up to see what he’s looking at. There’s nothing out of the ordinary. She raises on eyebrow, and looks back down at him and lets out a sigh.

L0ki: Alright. I guess I’ll just leave you alone then.

Seda: I wonder...

L0ki: …What?

Seda becomes silent again. He continues staring up toward the sky.
L0ki squints her eyes, and turns to leave.
Suddenly, the air starts crackling. L0ki turns in a circle, looking around to see where the noise could be coming from. Seda is unflinching as he continues to stare.

L0ki: What…is that?

The virus phases into existence before them. The colors in the area around him invert for a second, and static fills the area. His appearance looks like Mercurious, with flashes of Sam (Lakota) every few seconds.
L0ki’s eyes widen, her focus stuck on the virus. After she realizes what’s going on, she shifts her attention to Seda.

L0ki: You..... It's.. You...

L0ki is in a state of shock and anger as she sees the virus before her, the cause of her friends mysterious hospitalization was because of this anomaly before them. She clenched her fist in rage but held her breathe. Seda tilts his head. He clenches and unclenches his hand, staring at his own fist.
The virus takes one slow step forward. L0ki flinches and takes a step back. The virus takes another step closer to Seda. L0ki begins to tense up while grinding her teeth in anger as she makes the guns appear and begins to fire.

L0ki: You!.... AHHHH!!

L0ki draws her gun and takes seven shots at the virus. The bullets go right through, doing no damage. She takes another step back, looking between Seda and the virus.

L0ki: It's... immune to physical attacks... Try this! Vak Don!

L0ki pulls the gun forward and charges it. It turns orange and engulfs in flames then blasts towards the virus. The smoke clears and the virus is unharmed. 

Loki: Unreal.. Magic doesn't work either! What is this thing?!

The virus charges Seda, punching him [and throwing him back]. Seda hits the ground and cringes. He looks surprised and confused. He gets up slowly and sits on his knees while looking at his dirty hands. He has never felt such a feeling. It was unpleasant enough to make his hands shake a little.
The virus turns his attention to L0ki. She panics and turns to run, putting her gun away.
Seda opens his palm and closes it again, as if a weapon is supposed to appear. Nothing happens. Seda stands up and runs to the virus, punching him in the face. The virus stumbles back.
L0ki stops running.

L0ki: How did you…?

Seda continues hitting the virus, who continues to fall back a step with every hit. With Seda's last hit, he brings his fist back and then the scene goes into slow motion with an energy bracelet appearing on his wrist rotating like a halo. He extends his arm then fires a charge blowing the virus away.

After a few hits, the virus phases out, escaping the fight.
L0ki runs over to Seda.

L0ki: Are you okay? How did you do that?

Seda doesn’t make eye contact. He looks at the place where the virus phased out. After a few seconds, he looks at his wrist as the bracelet vanishes then to L0ki.

Seda: ... I don't know...

L0ki: Th.. Thank you....

Seda: I don't like this place...

Seda starts to walk away. L0ki watches him as he leaves. He’s almost out of sight, when L0ki starts to walk after him.

L0ki: Wait! Don't leave yet!

Scene 19: The Team is Created
L0ki is sitting in a foresty area, with Seda standing near her. He paces around in a wide circle, looking up at the sky and trees. L0ki is resting her elbows on her knees, a blank look on her face as her eyes follow his pacing.

L0ki: I never introduced myself... my screen name is L0ki.... What's yours?..

Seda ignores her for a moment while continuing to pace back and forth. He looked at his elbow while rubbing it a little remembering the pain his fall brought.

Seda: Why can't I remember?... Everything's so... strange... Do you feel it too?...

L0ki: Feel it?... What do you mean?.. And what are you trying to remember? Your name? Or like... a quest or something?....

Seda: A quest?... a quest...

L0ki: Yea... You know.. Something you're assigned to do in order to get a reward...?

Seda: I wonder...

L0ki: How.. Did you... You know.. Do that thing with your arm?... You blew that thing away when I couldn't even touch it... That must be some super rare item you got there...

Seda: I .. Don't know...

L0ki: Umm.. So what's your SN again?

Seda: My SN?..

L0ki: Your screen name?

Seda: Oh...Name..? Seda...

Loki opens up her in game menu and navigates to the add member address option and quickly adds Seda.

L0ki: There! I added you to my friend list.

Seda heres a PING noise alerting him of a new message. His eyes widen then opens his menu confused. He acts as if it's his first time opening the menu. L0ki looks at his armor stats all confused.

L0ki: Wow.... All your armor is level 1... Seriously? What gives, you have that super rare item.. That's not even showing in your equips.... Wait... You couldn't be.. A hacker, could you?

She stands up quickly from the ground all surprised and confused. Seda looks back confused.

Seda: A... Hacker?

L0ki: Well.. No matter.. I don't care.. As long as you were able to take that thing out.. or at least scare it, you're a good guy, right? I gave you my member address and SN so I can contact you when I log in next... I want you to help me get that thing to talk.. It hurt my friend and I need to know what it did... Would you help me?

Seda looks up from the menu to L0ki frozen for a moment then smiles. He feels a connection to L0ki, something he has never felt. No more wondering, he could actually have a goal. Something felt right about it. He didn't know what his purpose was but he was heading in the right direction.

Seda: Yea.. I'll help!

L0ki: Alright! Thanks, Seda..... Look, I'm...sorry about me being all rude when we first met.. I thought you were someone else..

L0ki looks down at her feet for a second with embarrassment, then smiles up at Seda.

L0ki: Well hey I need to log off now! It's getting super late and I've got school in the morning. So I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye, Seda.

L0ki logs off leaving a beautiful group of rings flowing up making her vanish in blue light. Seda doesn't quite grasp the idea of "logging off" but he figures it means going home. After she leaves he looks back at his in game menu of friends list with the one entry "L0ki".

Scene 20: Red handed

Eric is shown at his desk playing a video game. He plays rather intensely focused trying to race. His computer beeps and an alert pops up in the corner.

Eric: What do you want from me?!... Oh hello.... what? That program I created to monitor the virus's activity was activated.... I've encountered an error?

The alert that was present said "Super Malevolent Evil Virus Has encountered an error in field 0v112x3314. Please reactivate program to refresh"

Eric: Okay?... aaand... There.. Refreshed... Happy?.. ( He goes back to playing his racing game for a short second then stops and puts the controller down. ) Hmm... I wonder what my progress is so far...

He opens a page on his PC that shows the license of everyone the virus has consumed. There were around 9 or 10 entries.

Meanwhile the manager of Terra corp is shown walking down a hall. The second employee (Jon) walks up beside him.

CP2 Jon: Sir we have a problem.

The next scene is shown with Jon showing Kaz the recent activity of the virus and that someone has been tampering with it. The bottom of Kaz's face is shown as he says -

CP1 Kaz:  Did you trace the IP?

CP2 Jon: That's the first thing I did. Dev team, Eric Johnson. That's not all though... He's been in contact with Seth ____... Since we've tapped his phone I listened to the call just a while ago... At first he seemed to be aiding Seth in stopping the virus but I dug deeper... Eric apparently E-mailed Seth a location the virus was heading towards... The next day Seth was sent to the hospital.... That's all been taken care of, of course...

CP1 Kaz: I'll give Mr. Johnson a call ... I may have an idea of how we can use him....

Scene 21: Quick Learner

The next day arrives and opens with L0ki logging into the game. She opens in a city/town looking setting, not many people are where she is. She opens her in game menu and notices Seda is online then smiles and clicks the option teleport to Seda. She gets to Seda and notices he's in all new gear. He was turned the opposite way and focused in his in game menu looking at the boards.

L0ki: Wow! You were just hiding your real equips and showing off your skills with noob gear weren't you?

Seda turns around surprised to see L0ki. He smiles then closes his menu and walks over to her. He begins to speak super fast all excited like how a dog sees it's owner when they come home.

Seda: My equips? Nah, I went through a few dungeons, killed some monsters, made gold, which I'm still not sure how to use, and found some cool weapons! Wanna see?!

Seda summoned 6 different weapons at once that all fell to the ground with a crash. L0ki's eyes widened and twitches a little at how different Seda seemed.

L0ki: W-.. what the... You found all that in one night?.... You really are a hacker aren't you...

She crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow.

Seda: Hacker? You mean someone who illegally alters code for personal gain? I don't know how to alter code, at least not at the moment. The internet is a wonderful thing! I can't believe I've been missing out for so long!

Seda seemed happy at all the information he had learned in one nights time.

L0ki: Huh...You're crazy that's for sure.. What happened to the shy kid last night?

Seda: I read all the messages on the boards about this world, Neo Terra is incredible! Although there are things that I can't quite understand... Where is this world Earth... Is it a high level area?

L0ki had the biggest look of disbelief on her face. She had no idea what he meant by his statement.

L0ki: eh...heh...hahahaha... You're awesome! I'm glad I met such a random interesting person...I've never met someone like you offline.. Anyway, did you wanna go on a quest or something? I haven't been in a party for a while so I figured it would be fun.

Seda tilted his head when L0ki said "Offline" he didn't understand the meaning of "Offline".

Seda: A quest sounds great! where to?

Scene 22: Follow the yellow brick R0de

Eric is shown brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. He walks into his room with his two monitors showing game stats and license's on the other. His phone rings with unknown caller as the contact. He answers it hesitantly.

Eric: Hello?

The voice who answers is distorted.

Unknown Caller: Eric Johnson... I'm glad we could speak on such short notice.

Eric: Um.. ok? Who may I ask is calling?

Unknown: Who is calling is not important. What is, is what you have discovered... You found my little toy I created is that right?.. Are you.. Enjoying it so far?

Eric: What?... I have no idea what you are talking about... Seriously who's calling and what's up with the creepy voice...?

Unknown: Hmhmhmhm... Don't play stupid Eric, I know who you are, where you live, where you were born and exactly how much money you have in your 2 bank accounts.. I know your old dogs name that died when you were 18 and that you failed your spanish class in highschool.. I want you to tell me how well you are enjoying my little science experiment.

Eric: ... Okay who the hell do you think you are?! I'm calling the police if you don't tell me ri-

Unknown: That wouldn't be a very good idea, Eric. I have evidence that you put over 20 people into a coma including your dear friend Seth ____...

He froze instantly.

Unknown: I'll let you continue what you're doing since you seem to know what you're doing with my pet. However there is something I'd like you to attend to... Have you read the boards lately Mr. Johnson?

Eric: ...N-..No I haven't...

Unknown: I advise you do so soon.. But to minimize wasted time I'll just inform you myself... There's a bi product of a mess you made that's a troubling factor in our pet's way. You remember that man you sent to the hospital? Seth ___? Well before the virus took care of him, he released a counter virus in the form of an A.I. into Neo Terra. Thanks to your help it has a weapon that can stop it... So here are my terms.. Keep an eye on that A.I. and find out a way to stop it without giving yourself away... Allow it to continue feeding and collecting data and I just might give you a percentage..

Eric: ............. I knew someone would be behind this... I was stupid not to take any precautions..... uughhh... I guess I have little choice in the matter so yea... Where can I find this A.I.?

Unknown: I'll send you the coordinates. Pleasure doing business Mr. Johnson... Oh and I've made a slight aesthetic change to your avatar. Hope you like it.

The unknown caller hung up leaving Eric infuriated. He looked up at the screen taking off his glasses calmly then throwing his phone against the wall making a loud thud. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He looked at the log in button on his desktop and hovered his mouse over it for a little bit with one hand still over his face. The next scene shows him logged into the world. A PM pinged his in game menu with the location of the A.I.. Before looking at the PM he looked at his right hand. On his palm there was an asian character for "Traitor" (贼) in black and red ink. He teleports away then scene ends.