Wednesday, August 17, 2011

scene in ep3

Misha and Celes sitting at a table together eating lunch in the cafeteria. Celes has a lunch box and Misha has a brown paper bag.

Celes, I’m telling you, it’s the greatest game ever.

And I’m telling you, Misha, I’m nooottt interesteddd.

Misha pouts and tries giving Celes puppy dog eyes. Celes sighs and shakes her head.
A group of three girls approach the table. One of them puts a hand on Celes’s shoulder. She turns to look at her, and they smile at each other.

Hey, Celes! Are you ready for that chem test later? I seriously didn’t even study, hehe.

Yeah, I think I’ll do okay. I’ve been going over the chapter a lot.

You mean you actually understand it? You should help us, we’re totally lost.

Girl3 glances at Misha. Their eyes meet, but Misha quickly looks away. Girl3 glares slightly, annoyed at her presence.

Uh…sure. Here, sit down, I can go over my notes with you.

Celes reaches into her bag and pulls out a notebook.
Girl 1 and 2 look at Misha, and then at each other.

That’s okay, we have to go do some things right now. We’ll talk to you in class.

The girls all smile at Celes and walk away. Girl2 hesitates a second, then turns around.

Can I see your notes, though? I’ll give it back to you before the test.


Celes looks at her notebook like she doesn’t want to give it away, but then forces a smile and hands it to her.

Thanks a bunch!

She runs off to catch up with the rest of the group.
Celes watches them walk off, then sighs and turns her attention back to her lunch.
Misha looks at Celes, concerned.

You could have gone with them, you know.

What are you talking about?

They only left because I’m here. They want to spend time with you, and you want to be friends with them. You should go after them.

Misha, that’s ridiculous. They left because they have other things to take care of or whatever. If they wanted to talk to me, they would have staid.

Misha opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it upon thought. She looks at Celes for a moment, then takes a bite out of her sandwich.

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